To move forward or gain an advantage, one needs to have information and resources. Life can be like a puzzle as you try to navigate the various processes and procedures that are in place for just about everything. Some communities more structured and developed sharing information thereby granting access to higher income or recognition in society.

The trick is to get access to information and resources, which is what Share Life Gifts, Inc. seeks to navigate and cultivate for those historically in underrepresented communities is to share learned information broadly. So what can you do to be a part of this highly critical and impactful group? Simply stated, join in because there is room for everyone to help.

We want everyone to be a part of this community and to highlight this movement because it supports uplifting others in need. Be a mentor, share a resource that advances individuals or donate to help us continue this mission. Join our cause.


Join Our Mental Health Project


Let’s Do It. Share Your Life Gift!