Join Our Mental Health Project

I have been on a very personal and private journey to find value in my life’s work and as an advocate for mental health, for clinicians and effected family. A few years ago, a family member suffered a violent physical trauma causing a mental health crisis for all of us. Relationships changed dramatically, and we were unprepared. After months of emotionally struggling, I sought out education. So, I took classes and gained much needed empathy which I traded in for my frustration. Our family couldn’t move forward, heal, and forgive until we equipped ourselves appropriately. Mental health professionals were the key to our release from a desperate state.

The impact this illness has on all involved in this struggle is equivalent to those living with a life-threatening disease. The only difference is with mental illness, you can’t see physical deterioration. Add the factor of race and finding a qualified therapist who assimilates in the world as a minority of color and finding such support, makes it increasingly more difficult. SLG, Inc. recently acquired Christian Counseling Group, LLC (CCG) as a subsidiary to help the mental health practice continue its work. Assisting this group in their transition and giving them a home under SLG, Inc. falls squarely with our mission. Share Life Gifts, Inc. (SLG), seeks to leverage talents for the benefit of others, advancing underserved communities which improves our society. With only a couple of months’ notice from their former nonprofit employer, the business was to dissolve. As a result, few of the therapist committed to continue to serve their clients despite the upcoming challenge of securing new credentialing. A process which can take up to 120 days for a new practice group. In addition, there is no ability to recover payment retroactively from the insurance providers. Meanwhile, most clients can’t afford to pay out of pocket and rely on insurance. However, severe client need exists, and the transitional operational expenses remain. As result, we are seeking donations to bridge the gap.

Your support is greatly needed. All staff (4 therapists and 4 part-time administrative staff) are currently 100% foregoing a salary or donating 50% of their time. They need computers to work more efficiently. There are backlogs of 100+ clients waiting for appointments. Serving the mental health community has created a dual crisis: those seeking mental health treatment need affordable/capable/empathetic clinicians and clinicians need to make a living wage to support this demographic.

In my quest to ensure that mental health services are available to meet the growing need, Since December 2022, I have donated full time hours, running the operations of the group and will continue to do so until they obtain appropriate funding.  This work continues to champion the fundamental mission of SLG. We welcome your support in ensuring these critical services remain available.  Donate now in one of the following ways*:

Zelle –

Givlify – Share Life Gifts, Inc.

Personal Check – Mail to: 13030 9th Street, Unit #95, Bowie, MD 20720


*Share Life Gifts, Inc. is a tax deductible 501c3 organization. Help us with our work to bridge societal gaps. To learn more about CCG, LLC. visit: Please note: The website is under construction during transition.


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