Let’s Do It. Share Your Life Gift!

There is no time like the present to let your light shine and show the world the talent that you possess. We are all gifted at a skill or talent and it would be a shame not to share it with others. No one is a mistake and we were all created to contribute to this world and our communities with intention.

Have you ever wondered why writing might be easier for you to accomplish than for someone else? Do you find it easy to construct items or understand processes in a way that others are envious that you can do these tasks with ease? The fact that you can perform certain tasks or projects without expending a lot of energy is a clear indication that you have a gift in that area. What are you doing to share that gift?

Self reflection and discovery is the key to this process and as we mature, becoming more intuitive to who we are, allows us to understand that we serve a purpose. Hiding our talents was not the intention of our creator. Instead, helping one another achieve improved conditions, greater knowledge, and more opportunities should be a part of our daily mission and journey to support each other. As a member of the African American community, I want to see us support each other more. I want to see us open up opportunities for each other so that stronger networks are established that provide advantages for those in our community who want to advance in similar ways. For generations, we have been left to be creative and figure things out that our counterparts in the non black community have succeeded in possessing that knowledge. Let’s put an end to these limitations and start leveraging our community talent for the success of many.

I challenge you to identify your Life Gift so that you can be a blessing to someone else seeking to learn from you. I challenge you to live your life knowing the gift that you are and not being afraid to share it. I challenge you to be part of the collective that incubates all the talent and disperses that knowledge for the benefit of those in the African American Community who want to improve themselves. I invite you to be a part of this movement.
